If you are disheartened by the cruelty and the insanity of the world you live in, you can make it better. It doesn't take a lot to make the world a better place. All it takes is to adopt and take care of a cat or a dog, plant and tend to a garden, help an elderly person cross the street, bring groceries to a sick neighbor who can't go outside, comfort someone who is in pain... The list is endless, the opportunities for you to bring love and care into the world full of cruelty and injustice through random acts of kindness are infinite, and you will always be able to find something that aligns with your natural inclinations.

You don't need to become a political activist, a social justice warrior, a public intellectual, a media personality or run for office to make the world a better place. In fact, the world would be much better off if fewer people engaged in "fighting for justice" and more of them just fed the homeless or built more local parks for kids to play in, because, most of the time, the righteous indignation against injustice only serves the ego's need for recognition and not the needs of those it claims to protect.

We tend to value and admire qualities like discipline, courage, grace, curiosity, independence, creativity and to believe that heroic and charismatic personalities are the saviors of humanity. But none of those inspirational qualities move the needle if they are not used in the service of compassion that resides in our heart. Moreover, If they are used in the service of the ego rather than in the service of the heart, they bring further destruction into the world.

If your heart is hardened and closed off, you are not capable of healing, growing and evolving no matter how many years you spend chanting, meditating and engaging in various spiritual practices, no matter how brave, charismatic and creative you may be.

If a sight of suffering doesn't touch you and doesn't compel you to take a compassionate action, you are wasting your time on this planet. Your discipline, courage, hard work and impressive achievements are useless if they haven't made anyone, including yourself, feel loved and cared for.

The place in your heart that gives birth to compassion is your human essence, and the compassion it emanates is the only true love that exists. No other kind of love is real. Romantic love is nothing but a beautiful fantasy, and the universal love of all humanity is too ethereal and abstract to get a grasp of and to express in any real meaningful ways.

That place in your heart which gives birth to compassion and makes you a human is the Moon and the Crab is her zodiacal representation.

She is our primordial mother and primordial child at the same time. She is the creator of all life forms on our planet, and all life forms are her expressions. She is the embodiment of unconditional motherly love rooted in compassion and vulnerability of every living creature that needs care and protection. She gives us the need to nurture and be nurtured, to protect and be protected, to comfort and be comforted.

If your Moon is not alive in you, you are not alive. A heart that has not been loved and nurtured doesn't know how to love and nurture. If you have not been loved, you feel unlovable and don't know how to love yourself and others.

When you feel unlovable, you don't have the necessary confidence to exercise the free will, which means that without the gentle, nurturing, protective Moon, the strong, powerful, confident Sun cannot emerge. Without the delicate, soft, introverted Crab the free-spirited, dignified, powerful Lion cannot come into existence. Loving and tender energies of the Moon create the conditions for confident, independent qualities of the Sun to come out and shine. The Moon is the beginning and the central point of our humanity, our spirituality and our very existence.

If you want to make the world a better place, stop wasting time and energy on hating and fighting those whom you see as a problem because those people and institutions and the entire social order are not the real problem, the are just the symptoms of the problem. The real problem is that we are disconnected from our hearts, each one of us individually and all of us collectively. And, the only solution to this problem is for you to connect to your own heart where your compassion resides and act from that place to make someone feel loved and cared for.

Caring for a little, sweet and vulnerable kitten will help initiate the heart connection that would make you and everything around you more alive. That little kitten will become your heart's keeper, and, as long as your heart is kept alive, open and motivated to do random acts of kindness, your life will have meaning and will not be wasted no matter what happens in the world around you.

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