Nature is perfect. It brings everything at the right time. Just after the days of the Lion's Gate Portal, we are moving into the energy of the Full Moon in Aquarius on August the 22d, which, coincidentally, is also the day of transition from the Leo to the Virgo season.

The days of the Full Moon, in general, are the days when you have an opportunity to become conscious of something. The Full Moon shines brightly in the sky because it reflects the light of the Sun and lights up the area in the sky where it sits. At its brightest and fullest phase, the Moon shows us where and how the Light of the Sun a.k.a the Light of Consciousness can be received and expressed on Earth.

During the Leo season, and especially during the Lion's Gate New Moon, the Sun shed light on your true nature and showed you who you truly are - a free spirit and a sovereign being with no authority above you.

Now, the Full Moon in Aquarius, compels you to express your free spirit through original and unconventional ideas that would benefit your community and the bigger society.

Aquarius is the opposite of Leo. While the Lion is a free spirit, an Aquarian being is a free thinker. The free spirit that the Sun brings forward in Leo then gets brought down to earth by the Moon in Aquarius and expresses itself as a radical original, often revolutionary, idea unrestricted by any set of beliefs or societal standards.

Aquarius is a sign of community and the collective good, as well as radical individuality . It challenges us to integrate the needs of the individual and the needs of the collective, because it knows that neither side of that duality can exist without its opposite. It knows that the only way to ensure individual freedom and well-being of each person is to create a radically democratic society based on humanitarian values, and the only way to create such society is to respect personal freedoms of each individual and to encourage individual expression.

An Aquarian being is a personification of a genius because their ideas are outside of the box and they blow people's minds before they get implemented on a massive scale and become a normal part of our life.

Just like the Lion doesn't care if anyone likes him, an Aquarian being doesn't care if anyone likes their ideas. They dismiss all criticism and scoff at critics. They present their ideas boldly and unapologetically and push for their implementation aggressively.

The Aquarian genius is responsible for all scientific and technological advances of the modern era, from the discovery of electricity to the creation of Internet, from producing antibiotics and vaccines to the invention of hydroponics and biotechnology, from greenhouses to GMO products.

Sometimes the Aquarian genius can be evil because it is emotionally detached and doesn't always see how its inventions may affect people on the emotional and spiritual levels. But it doesn't have to be evil. A highly conscious Aquarian being is a humanitarian. They may not be emotionally attached to other humans, but they have an enlightened vision of how to make life on our planet more humane. That is why the Aquarian impulse has been behind every major revolution and social justice movement in the modern era.

This Aquarian Full Moon invites you to embrace the energy of a free thinker, whose mind is not restricted by social norms, traditions and opinions of others. If you want to have a meaningful life and create something of real value on this planet, every now and then you have to free your mind from stereotypical thinking patterns imposed on you by the society, and when you do that, you'll be surprised how many interesting, original ideas will come to you. Every time you allow yourself to think outside of societal norms and restrictions, your Aquarian genius will be unleashed. Let it come out and use it for good, your own and the collective.

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